Author Blog

Author-activist Anne-christine d'Adesky blogs about her memoir, The Pox Lover: An Activist's Decade in New York and Paris, and current events at

June 8 - Read here: POZ June issue excerpt of The Pox Lover - Chouette!

I'm excited to report that friends are getting copies of The Pox Lover in the mail. We're official now! And the tour is about to begin - -next week LA, then NY (three events, great convos planned, one big party June 22-24) in time for NYC Pride and the Dyke March ... 

Here is a excerpt from the memoir, just out in this month's issue of POZ.

The book is based on my actual diaries of the decade -- I call it a hybrid memoir. This excerpt recalls some of my 90s journey with a close friend and popular POZ columnist, Kiki Mason, a fierce AIDS activist, who died in 1996.

We're about to  launch a new HIV Journalist's Scholarship on June 23, 12-2, at The Center in his name -- The Kiki -- to honor his legacy and that of over 125 American journalists who died of AIDS, many community reporters. 

The event is titled "Bodies on the Line: AIDS Journalists Memorial Event" and will feature NYT columnist Samuel G. Freedman (book: Dying Words, about the late NYT writer Jeffrey Schmalz, who died of AIDS) as our keynote speaker, several planned tributes, and a catered reception. The Elton John AIDS Foundation is supporting this event. POZ, PLUS,,, Positively Living, PrideLife magazines are cosponsors, along with the NLGJA - Association of LGBT Journalists. Note: Space is limited - RSVP suggested

Check out all our events at the TOUR link, and RSVP for this - tell journalist pals  

Wanna help?: If you want to help us develop our vision and legacy for the Kiki scholarship and to support excellence in HIV reporting, please consider supporting this nascent annual scholarship with a tax exempt donation. The more we get, the more we can give to deserving journalists committed to covering the epidemic -- not fake news. It's one concrete way you can help assure media attention to HIV/AIDS and the voices of embattled communities fighting to end the epidemic. 

Amusez vous!  - ac